Battles of westeros set
Liste des meilleures ventes battles of westeros set

France (Toutes les villes)
1962 American Heritage rare vintage board game BROADSIDE (Milton Bradley). État : "Occasion" Box lid a bit tatty but inside pieces and board in very goodcondition. Rules inside the box lid. Leaflet ‘The War of 1812’ Boats and sails are complete. Missing: 1 canon (HIT shorebattery). “ArmchairAdmirals wage sea battles in the style of 1812 naval warfare. Players command afleet of Frigates, Brigs and other fighting ships.” Available for any questions and extra photos. I am also selling the other 3 games in thisseries (Battle-Cry, Dogfight, Hit the beach). Contact me if you want to propose a price for grouped purchase of the set of 4 before bidding is over
25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
1963 American Heritage rare vintage board game DOGFIGHT (Milton Bradley). État : "Occasion" Box in used but good condition. Inside pieces and board in very good condition. Complete (as far as I can tell). Rules inside box lid and on a separate paper. Leaflet ‘Hit the Beach’. “The thrills of World War I air battles are recaptured in this game for 2-4 players.Easy to learn – fast moving.” Available for any questions and extra photos. I am also selling the other 3 games in thisseries (Battle-Cry, Broadside, Hit the beach). Contact me if you want to propose a price for grouped purchase of the set of 4 before bidding is over
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
1961 American Heritage rare vintage board game BATTLE-CRY (Milton Bradley). État : "Occasion" Box lid a bit tatty (torn corner and scotch tape). Inside piecesand board in very good condition. Rules inside the box lid. Leaflet ‘The CivilWar’. Missing: 1 blue soldier and 1 grey horse “Excitingcivil war game of strategy and skill. Players marshal their troops for battles fromBull Run to Shiloh” Available for any questions and extra photos. I am also selling the other 3 games in this series (Broadside, Dogfight, Hit the beach). Contact me if you want to propose a price for grouped purchase of the set of 4 before bidding is over
25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Rushing Waters Wargaming Rivers Lake Neoprene Battlemat Terrain Best Sale Product Details Brand Stratagem Genre Strategy Item Dimensions LxWxH 17.5 x 7.1 x 2.3 inches JUST ADD WATER: Negotiating a tangle of waterways has turned the tide of hundreds of battles throughout history. If you're looking to add exciting new strategy and tactics to your wargaming terrain, this is for you TEST THE WATERS: This pack includes 5 unique shapes that are completely modular and can be arranged and rearranged: straight rivers, bends, forks, ponds (which also serve as endcaps), and a massive 16" lake BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER: Our Rushing Waters pack features an unprecedented 15 pieces of 4" wide rivers, which amounts to over 12 feet of liquid scenery for your wargaming terrain NOT WATERED-DOWN: Each piece of river terrain is made of quality 2mm thick neoprene, and sublimation dyed with a crisp, high-res DPI, just like our battlemats CARRY YOUR WATER: Each set of 15 water scenery pieces comes in a tough canvas carry case and blue carabiner that clips to your transports of choice: backpacks, cases, or Stratagem's own battlemat bag if you happen to have one Just Add WaterNegotiating a tangle of waterways has turned the tide of hundreds upon hundreds of military battles throughout history. Commanders who were able to maneuver through these natural obstacles tasted the sweet nectar of victory. Those who were not… were often left dead in the water. If you're looking to pack more strategy and tactics into your standard wargaming battle, look no further.Why You'll Love It:Stratagem's Rushing Waters terrain pack features 15 pieces of liquid scenery in 5 unique shapes that are completely modular. You can arrange and rearrange a complex system of waterways using straight rivers, bends, forks, ponds (which also serve as natural endcaps)--there's even a massive 16" lake. Each river measures 4 inches wide, and the whole set laid end to end is well over 12 feet of terrain!Just like our battlemats, each piece of river is made of quality 2mm neoprene and sublimation printed at a crisp, high-res dpi. If you need to take your rivers on the go, they pack right up into the included canvas carry case, which clips right on to backpacks, cases, and our battlemat carry case, if you've got one.
4.777 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Consulter nos évaluations Ajouter cette boutique à mes favoris Fighting Formations Grossdeutschland Infantry Division 40,95 € Disponibilité: en stock Fighting Formations is intended to be an ongoing series of wargames covering WWII tactical combined-arms combat at the platoon and squad levels. Each game in the series will feature a distinct combat unit, highlighting battles in which that unit participated as well as its particular order of battle and fighting characteristics. The first title in the series is "Grossdeutschland Infantry Division" (FF:GD). Future titles aren't yet set in stone but could be devoted to other famous divisions (Big Red One), Corps (Afrika Korps), regiments (442nd RCT), Commando troops, Ranger battalions, etc. GAME FLOW: In each scenario, one player will take command of elements of the featured unit while the other assumes control of the opposing forces. These two players will alternate giving orders, activating their units on the map for various military functions. Players attempt to achieve victory by moving their combat units across the game map to attack their opponent’s units and to achieve as many scenario objectives as possible. The degree to which a player succeeds or fails is measured by a scenario’s specific victory conditions—be it the destruction of enemy units, the taking of vital mapboard objectives, or the exiting of friendly units off the opponent’s map edge. ORDERS & INITIATIVE: Each game turn is divided into ten orders, with each player performing a variable number of these orders. In each turn, the sequence of play is fluid – with orders being given by the active player and reactions being taken by both players – depending upon the relative initiative level at any given moment. Fighting Formations is also not the typical Igo-Yougo fare with a strict sequence of play. Instead, the base game engine is an impulse-type back and forth mechanic whereby the various Orders carry with them a certain cost in Initiative. The game has a “pool” of 40 Initiative that is “spent” to give orders and then to activate units for those orders. At the end of every order the player with the most Initiative is able to give the next order. In response, the opponent can also spend Initiative to conduct both Opportunity Fire (at moving units) or Reactive Fire (at firing units). ASSETS: The game has Asset cards -- including smoke, artillery, air support, man-portable support weapons and demolitions -- but is not card-driven. Each Asset will either take the place of a standard order or provide the player with some form of reactionary capability during an order. SPECIAL RULES: FF:GD is a stand-alone game in the Fighting Formations game series. While utilizing the basic rules, FF:GD’s playbook includes specific terrain, fortification and unit special action rules in order to more accurately portray tactical warfare as experienced by the participants in Russia during this time period. SCALE: The scale of the game is 75 meters per hex with turns representing about 5 minutes of real time. UNITS: Units represent infantry squads, guns with their inherent crews, and individual vehicles. Platoons are also employed. Leaders are abstractly represented by Command markers, each one coordinating the actions of friendly units within a scenario-defined radius. COMPONENTS: This first game has the following components: four back-printed 22˝ x 34˝ game mapsheets five sheets of die-cut counters 55 cards a 24-page Series Rulebook a 48-page Playbook one double-sided Track Display two double-sided 8.5” x 11” player aid cards ten dice (two each of 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, and 20-sided) 10 wood cubes one wood pawn Designer: Chad Jensen Game Developers: Kai Jensen and John A Foley
40,95 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame en anglais simple à jouer jeux à blocs en bois permettant de simuler le brouillard de guerre Moscow '41 is the first chapter of the Barbarossa Trilogy (the other two are Leningrad '41 and Kiev '41). MOSCOW '41 is a light/medium wargame covering the German Army Group Centre offensive aimed to seize Moscow, after having successfully defeated several Soviet armies in the great encirclement battles at the frontier and established two bridgeheads on the Dnieper. Although based on a historical event, the two players can modify the course of the operations, with the Germans trying to achieve a decisive victory before the winter comes, and the Soviets playing a fighting withdrawal, until ready to strike a decisive blow at the invaders. The game is recommended for two players, but has excellent solitaire suitability. Historical Introduction "At the beginning of each campaign, one pushes a door into a dark, unseen room. One can never know what is hiding inside." - Adolf Hitler, June '41 In December of 1940, Hitler made the decision to invade Russia and set the date for the middle of 1941. He had good reason to be confident that Russia would collapse under an uncompromising assault. Since the outbreak of hostilities, the German Wehrmacht had accomplished a stunning and unparalleled series of victories: Poland had fallen in one month, Denmark in one day; France, till then regarded as the strongest power in Europe, had capitulated in under six weeks, Holland in under six days; Belgium, Norway, Yugoslavia and Greece took less than three weeks each. The German military might was at its peak and the word Blitzkrieg had entered the language. Russia, on the other hand had taken over three months to bring Finland to heel, despite overwhelming strength of numbers. The Russian army had not yet recovered from Stalin's purges of 1937-1938 where 400 generals were “removed” including three field marshals and 13 Army commanders. It was well that Hitler could say, “Before three months have passed, we shall witness a collapse in Russia, the like of which has never been seen in history. We have only to kick in the front door and the whole rotten Russian edifice will come tumbling down.” On the 22nd of June, 1941, Operation Barbarossa - the invasion of Russia, began. Three million Axis troops in three Army Groups attacked on a front that stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea: Army Group North under Field Marshal von Leeb was tasked with taking Leningrad; Army Group South under Field Marshal von Rundstedt was to capture Kiev and seize the Caucasus; Field Marshal von Bock's Army Group Centre, the one that concerns us, had Moscow as an objective, with Timoshenko undertaking the task of defending the capital. Initially, the operation succeeded beyond Hitler's wildest dreams. Within a day, the Russian Air Force was destroyed on the ground, then vast inroads were made on all fronts accompanied by large scale surrenders of encircled Russian troops. Army Group Centre with its four armies consisting of a total of 48 Divisions, of which nine were armoured, and backed by the Second Air Fleet, had reached the outskirts of Smolensk by the 15th July. This was two-thirds of the way to Moscow and it seemed that nothing could stop von Bock from blowing up the Kremlin within another three or four weeks... or could something stand in his way? Four things could now cause problems to von Bock: firstly, his supply line is stretched and had almost reached breaking point; secondly, Russian resistance is stiffening; thirdly, his infantry divisions are having difficulty keeping up with the Panzers and finally, a new Russian ally is about to enter the field: General Winter. Additional concerns may come in November, with three-quarters of a million experienced Siberian veterans freed by garrisoning Soviet Far East, thanks to Stalin's spies in Tokyo revealing Japanese intentions to attack America, and not Russia. As the German Commander, you must push on to Moscow before it is too late. As the Russian Commander you must re-evoke the Patriotic War and stop the invaders at any cost.
39 €
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