Motor 36v
Liste des meilleures ventes motor 36v

France (Toutes les villes)
Motor con neumatico 36v 48v 60v bicicleta electric 500w-800w
70 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Motor completo Hoverboard 36v Neumático goma Comprobado y buen estado Tengo 2, la pareja por 25 eur
15 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Motor eléctrico ebikemotion x series y batería ebikemotion x series potencia 36v 250w 25 kilómetros hora y llantas miche race DX medida 700x28 cassette de 11 velocidades Shimano dg tiene todo si llega a 300 kilómetros está en perfecto estado hago envíos regalo discos de freno 160mm
450 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Motor de rueda delantera para bicicleta electrica Xiaomi Qicycle. 36v 250w. Producto original xiaomi sin usar
90 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Tiene 36v 250w de potencia. La bateria tiene 36v y 17,5ah.Tiene barro pero es de ir por el barro el otro dia y se me quedo asi de feo jajaja. Nuevos me costaron 1000€. Entrego motor, bateria y pantalla display. La bateria tiene la centralita integrada en la carcasa.
350 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Moteur trottinette electrique 36v 8" pouces brushless motor front wheel. État : Occasion Service de livraison : Livraison en Relais Mondial Relay Moteur brushed Fonctionne parfaitement. Vitesses de 28km/h avec ma trottinette en 36v
20 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Centralitas de patinete de 48v y 36v se hacen envíos todas funciona se hacen envios Todas las compras por envío se realizará el envío el mismo día de la compra Para más cosas relacionadas mirar mi perfil Palabras búsqueda no leer: Skateflah Dualtron Xiaomi m365 Xiaomi pro Xiaomi pro 2 Joyor Ecoxtrem Smartgyro Motor,rueda,ruedas,motor,motores,batería,baterias,centralitas.
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Centralita de patinete de 48v y de 1000w de potencia doble motor el precio es por unidad se hacen envíos Todas las compras por envío se realizará el envío el mismo día de la compra Para más cosas relacionadas mirar mi perfil Palabras búsqueda no leer: Patinete 48v 36v 1000w Skateflah Dualtron Xiaomi m365 Xiaomi pro Xiaomi pro 2 Joyor Ecoxtrem Smartgyro Motor,rueda,ruedas,motor,motores,batería,baterias,centralitas.
100 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Product Description E-Bike Brushless Motor Controller Scooter LCD S866-Anzeige 24/36/48V DE Beschreibung: Dieses hochwertige LCD-Display mit Hintergrundbeleuchtung und 24V/36V/48V 350W Brushless Motor Speed Controller für Elektrofahrräder, Autos, Roller, Motorräder, Minibikes usw. Das Panel zeigt die Akkukapazität deutlich an, mehrere Tasten zur schnellen Bedienung von Geschwindigkeitseinstellung und Scheinwerfer, einfach zu bedienen Die gerillte Aluminiumlegierungsschale bietet eine gute Wärmeableitung und eine hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit, um die Sicherheit bei der Verwendung zu gewährleisten Die bürstenlose Motorsteuerung ermöglicht eine konstante Geschwindigkeit und eine feinfühlige Steuerung von Brems- und Richtungsänderungen Hochwertige Drähte und Schnittstellen bieten eine hervorragende Kontaktleistung, Effizienz und mehr Energieeinsparung Spezifikation: Controller-Größe: 8,6 x 5,3 x 3 cm / 3,5 x 2,05 x 1,18 Zoll Panelgröße: 4,75 x 8,1 cm / 1,87 x 3,18 Zoll Passend für 2,2cm Lenker Kabellänge: 1,8 m Typ: 2 Typen (optional) Typ 1: 24V-48V 350W (begrenzter Strom 15A), Typ 2: 36V-60V 350W (begrenzter Strom 15A), Verfügbare Unterspannung: Typ 1: 19V, 29V, 39V, Typ 2: 29V, 39V, 49V Wasserdicht: IP65 Leistung: 350W Paket beinhaltet: 1 Stück Motorcontroller mit Panel powered by En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
PVP recomendado 1.800€ De adulto Nueva a estrenar Garantía 2 años (batería 6 meses) Cuadro de aluminio Batería Litio 36V 16Ah Motor Brushless 250W Sistema de pedaleo asistido Cambio Shimano 7vel. Accionamiento Shimano Frenos de disco hidráulicos Suspensión delantera Llantas de 26 de aluminio de doble pared Autonomía 80km Velocidad máx. 25km/h Disponible con ruedas de 28" a 999eur Estamos en C/ Nàpols, 111 08013 Barcelona. Tenemos bicis de montaña, paseo, plegables, eléctricas, mtb, fixies, trekking, fatbikes, bmx, infantiles, freestyle, patinetes, scooters,... Gastos de envío: 29,90€ España Península.
899,98 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Centralita programable 36v 1000w para patinetes y bicicletas. Universal para cualquier tipo de motor.
85 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Renovacion batería bicicleta motor integrado Bafang motor central. Las podemos hacer en diferentes potencias. Cambiamos bms gestión batería, suelen dar problemas carga y descarga. Pidenos presupuesto precio hora de trabajo. 677353346 Oscar.
20 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Nuevo en su caja Patinete eléctrico Coasta L9 Pro. 2 Motores de 350Watts que ofrece una potencia de inclinación de 30° a 30kh ver última foto muestra. Configuración neumática eficiente que ofrece alto confort en la amortiguación. velocidad de 35 kilómetros hora. batería de 36V 20Ah que le da una autonomía oficial de 55 kilómetros. Doble freno motor + freno disco trasero. peso 17 kilos. Calidad en diseño y robustez. Cerificacion Europea. Comparado con el xaomi 2 pro el Coasta lo triplica en prestaciones. Caracteriscas expuestas probadas y verificadas.
650 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Bicicleta elèctrica minivelo motor de 500w 36v 5 velocidad velocidad aprox Max 34 km/h sin esfuerzo. frenos de disco Shimano pastillas recién cambiadas disponibles de repuesto. batería de larga duración 2600 km ruedas urbanas. incluido candado básico disponible candado a U criptónyte niv seguridad 10 precio negociable o scambio con PS5
600 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
El nuevo modelo de alta gama de Stikgo con doble motor de 500w/800w tiene suficiente potencia para la mayoría de caminos que puedas usar, incluso caminos más bacheados ya que dispone de excelente amortiguación. Autonomía hasta 65km, resistente al agua IP54, tracción trasera, Angulo de subida 25º Velocidad: 40 km/h PVP: 899 € Iva incluido Oferta: 799€ Iva incluido (660€+ IVA) Transporte no incluido.
660 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Bateria para bicicleta eléctrica con motor Yamaha. En perfecto estado. Vendo por que tengo dos.
500 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
OFERTA Doctore 999€ Pvp 1399€ La revolución tecnológica monobrazo rueda delantera y cardan monobrazo rueda trasera. Battery Cell:18650 3200mAH
Battery Capacity:Li-ion 36V 6.4AH
Charge Time:3.5-4h
Motor Power:Front motor 36V 200W
Climbing Ability:5 degree
Frame Material:6061AL
Body Weight:20kg
Max Speed:25km/h
Brakes:Disc brake
999 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Bicicleta eléctrica Brost AllBlackBrost. Hecho en Barcelona. Eléctrico brushless motor 36V/250W. Velocidad 25 km/h. Autonomía - 30km. Luces delantera y trasera. Batería Litio de 36V 8Ah. Ruedas 16 pulgadas. 7 velocidades. Peso 20,5 kg. Usado poco, en muy buen estado. Precio original 1250€
475 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Bicicleta eléctrica de montaña, 29", Talla L. Motor 36V, 250W. Bateria extraible LG, 36V 504 Wh, 14ah. Velocidad 25km/h Cambio Shimano 21 velocidades. Pantalla LED. Cuadro de aluminio. Prácticamente nueva, sólo tiene un mes. 190km. La vendo xq mido 1,65 y es muy grande para mi.
750 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Vendo bicicleta eléctrica plegable tipo Fat-Bike con cubiertas de 20x4 pulgadas, con unos 430 kilómetros, está prácticamente nueva y en perfecto estado, tengo las dos llaves de la batería. Fenos de disco mecánicos delantero y trasero. Motor 36V 250W completamente legal en España. Batería de 36V 10AH. Suspensión hidráulica delantera ajustable. Porta equipajes con baúl con dos llaves, perfecto para guardar el casco o cualquier otra cosa. Autonomía: 30Km modo eléctrico y 60 Km asistencia pedal. Cambio trasero Shimano de 6 velocidades. Peso neto: 25Kg. Marco de aluminio. Ruedas de 20"x4"
600 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Bicicleta Dahon plegable, rueda 20', motor 36v, batería 16Ah, con pocos km de uso. Autonomía de la batería de más de 70km. En buen estado.
550 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Vendo Bicicleta eléctrica E-BIKE de carretera specialized S-WORKS de CARBONO Talla L Cambios y frenos Ultegra 11 - 32 10 velocidades Motor 36V 10Ah / 576 WH con 120 - 140 km. de autonomía atiendo tlf. y WhatsApp 639734501 Entrego en mano
1.400 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Bicicleta Monty electrica plegable Modelo EF39. 3 niveles de asistencia. Ruedas de 18″. Cuadro de Aluminio Plegable. Cambio posterior de 7 velocidades. Pedales Plegables. Peso: 18.5 Kg. Autonomía: ~25-45 Km según nivel asistencia. Batería: 36V-9Ah. Motor: 36V, 250W. Tiempo de Carga: 4-6h. Velocidad Max. 25Km/h. La batería ha sido remodelada hace 1 año, se le pusieron todas las celdas nuevas. Unos 400km de uso tiene la batería. Se incluye la maleta, tiene 2 usos.
400 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Bicicleta plegable Fun Bike Oops, como nueva, poco uso, es cómoda, el manillar es regulable en altura y inclinación, máximo 25Km/h, motor 36V 250W. Con cargador.
120 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Se vende bicicleta eléctrica de carretera Cosmos 3g con cuadro, horquilla y tija de carbono. Lleva montado un kit eléctrico ciclotek motor 36V 17AH y batería de 576 WH con autonomía de unos 140 kilómetros. Lleva montado todo Shimano tiagra (11/32)(50/34).Talla 56 yo mido 1,79 y me queda bien. Tiene 4297 kilómetros
950 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Motor: BAFANG M-SERIES 500,95 Nm, Q factor 177mm, weight 3370g Batería: PORTAPOWER 720Wh 36V 20Ah, Cells SAMSUNG INR21700-50E, 3960g Cambios: SRAM 12v y frenos 4 pistones Llanta – FULCRUM E-METAL 700, alloy, TLR, 30mm internal width 2470g Neumático – FRONT Vittoria Agarro 2.6″X 29″, Tubeless ready Tija telescópica Suspensiónes Rock shox E bike 35mm
4.390 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Motor: BAFANG RM G010.250.D 250W 32 Nm Bateria: SILION 378WH PM-2 fold 36V 10.5 Consola: BAFANG Autonomia aprox: mas de 100 km Cuadro: 20″ Aluminio 6061 plegable Horquilla: Rigida Ruedas: Aluminio 20 pulgadas Manetas de cambio: Shimano Revoshift RS36 6v Cambio: Shimano TY21 6v Frenos: Shimano disco MT200 Otros: Cargador de bateria incluido Peso aprox: 20,4 kg Dimensiones plegada: 920x470x650 seminueva con garantía y factura comprada en mayo 2022 dos salidas.
1.000 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 V 24 Zoll Elektrofahrrad Umbausatz Kit für Vorderrad E-Bike Conversion Kit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36V 500W 24 zoll Vorderrad Elektrofahrrad Umbausatz Kit E-Bike Conversion Kit Description Do you want to convert your favorite bicycle into an electric bicycle to enjoy its power and comfort? Then you can't miss our electric bicycle motor conversion kit. The display and pedal sensor will allow you to quickly switch between throttle control, cruise control and pedal assist sensor (PAS) to enjoy feeling the headwind on the road. It will be ideal for you! Key Features Enjoy Riding: It converts your bike into an e-bike for efficiency and convenience, allowing you to fully enjoy the fun of riding on your commute and short journeys. Complete Set: This kit contains the complete range of accessories needed to convert your bike without you having to buy them separately. The matching kit will provide you with more consistent and stable performance. User-friendly Features: According to different road conditions and personal needs, it allows 5-gear speed adjustment. At the same time, when the riding speed is maintained, pressing the button key for 2-3 seconds will enter the cruise function, making the riding process easier! Powerful Motor: With a 500w brushless gear motor, it can reach a maximum speed of 30-35KM/H. Compared to brush motors, it allows for smooth and low noise operation without replacing the brush, thus making maintenance easier. Safe and Reliable: The brake lever can cut off the power supply of the motor in case of emergency braking, so that the bicycle can stop in time to ensure riding safety. Dual Mode Controller: The motor works under Hall effect and non-Hall effect. If the component fails, the controller will switch to non-Hall effect mode and the motor will continue to work. Robust and Durable: The aluminum alloy wheel frame is very durable, stable, rust-proof and wear-resistant, ensuring long service life and strong load-bearing capacity, up to 264lbs. Customer Service: We aim to provide quality products and services. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us. We will reply and solve the problem for you as soon as possible. Details Practical Display: The display shows real-time speed, maximum speed, average speed, total mileage, single mileage, battery power display, assist gear/speed grading, cruise function, so that you can charge in time and intuitively keep track of its operating status. Pedal Assist Sensor: The pedal assist sensor (PAS) can sense the pedal rhythm and adjust the motor speed accordingly. It allows you to ride an electric bicycle without throttle response, which helps on long trips and reduces wrist soreness. Waterproof Controller Bag: The waterproof controller bag can safely store the controller and allow for rainy days riding. Application It is suitable for assembling and converting the 24in front wheel of a bicycle. It is compatible with universal disc brakes and V-shaped brakes. Specifications Material: Aluminum Alloy Color: Black Suspension Type: Front Special Feature: Electric Assembly Requirement: Yes Brake Type: Power-off Brake Lever (Applicable to V Brake, Disc Brake) Motor Type: Brushless Gear Motor Gear Adjustment: 5 Gears Recommended Battery: 36V 13AH or Higher Capacity Battery(Not Included) Output Voltage: 36V Power: 500W Minimum Flat Fork Distance: 100mm/3.94in Speed: 30-35km/h Display Size: 6.8*9.6cm/2.67*3.77in Packing Size: 55*55*22cm/21.65*21.65*8.66in Motor Wheel Diameter: 61cm/24in Gross Weight: 9kg/19.84lbs Net Weight: 8kg/17.63lbs Loading Capacity: 120kg/264lbs Package Included 1* Motor Wheel 1* Display 2* Brake Levers 2* Throttles 1* Padel Sensor 1* Controller 1* Thumb Knob Handle 1* Controller Bag All Accessories for Assembly Notes - While connecting the controller to the wires, please make sure that you connect the right colors to the controller. Otherwise, En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
Specifications Material: Aluminum Alloy Color: Black Suspension Type: Front Special Feature: Electric Assembly Requirement: Yes Brake Type: Power-off Brake Lever (Applicable to V Brake, Disc Brake) Motor Type: Brushless Gear Motor Gear Adjustment: 5 Gears Recommended Battery: 36V 13AH or Higher Capacity Battery(Not Included) Output Voltage: 36V Power: 500W Minimum Flat Fork Distance: 100mm/3.94in Speed: 30-35km/h Display Size: 6.8*9.6cm/2.67*3.77in Packing Size: 55*55*22cm/21.65*21.65*8.66in Motor Wheel Diameter: 61cm/24in Gross Weight: 9kg/19.84lbs Net Weight: 8kg/17.63lbs Loading Capacity: 120kg/264lbs Package Included 1* Motor Wheel 1* Display 2* Brake Levers 2* Throttles 1* Padel Sensor 1* Controller 1* Thumb Knob Handle 1* Controller Bag All Accesso - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 V 24 Zoll Elektrofahrrad Umbausatz Kit für Vorderrad E-Bike Conversion Kit Description~ 36V 500W 24 zoll Vorderrad Elektrofahrrad Umbausatz Kit E-Bike Conversion Kit Description Do you want to convert your favorite bicycle into an electric bicycle to enjoy its power and comfort? Then you can't miss our electric bicycle motor conversion kit. The display and pedal sensor will allow you to quickly switch between throttle control, cruise control and pedal assist sensor (PAS) to enjoy feeling the headwind on the road. It will be ideal for you! Key Features Enjoy Riding: It converts your bike into an e-bike for efficiency and convenience, allowing you to fully enjoy the fun of riding on your commute and short journeys. Complete Set: This kit contains the complete range of accessories needed to convert your bike without you having to buy them separately. The matching kit will provide you with more consistent and stable performance. User-friendly Features: According to different road conditions and personal needs, it allows 5-gear speed adjustment. At the same time, when the riding speed is maintained, pressing the button key for 2-3 seconds will enter the cruise function, making the riding process easier! Powerful Motor: With a 500w brushless gear motor, it can reach a maximum speed of 30-35KM/H. Compared to brush motors, it allows for smooth and low noise operation without replacing the brush, thus making maintenance easier. Safe and Reliable: The brake lever can cut off the power supply of the motor in case of emergency braking, so that the bicycle can stop in time to ensure riding safety. Dual Mode Controller: The motor works under Hall effect and non-Hall effect. If the component fails, the controller will switch to non-Hall effect mode and the motor will continue to work. Robust and Durable: The aluminum alloy wheel frame is very durable, stable, rust-proof and wear-resistant, ensuring long service life and strong load-bearing capacity, up to 264lbs. Customer Service: We aim to provide quality products and services. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us. We will reply and solve the problem for you as soon as possible. Details Practical Display: The display shows real-time speed, maximum speed, average speed, total mileage, single mileage, battery power display, assist gear/speed grading, cruise function, so that you can charge in time and intuitively keep track of its operating status. Pedal Assist Sensor: The pedal assist sensor (PAS) can sense the pedal rhythm and adjust the motor speed accordingly. It allows you to ride an electric bicycle without throttle response, which helps on long trips and reduces wrist soreness. Waterproof Controller Bag: The waterproof controller bag can safely store the controller and allow for rainy days riding. Application It is suitable for assembling and converting the 24in front wheel of a bicycle. It is compatible with universal disc brakes and V-shaped brakes. Specifications Material: Aluminum Alloy Color: Black Suspension Type: Front Special Feature: Electric Assembly Requirement: Yes Brake Type: En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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France (Toutes les villes)
36 V 24 Zoll Elektrofahrrad Umbausatz Kit für Vorderrad E-Bike Conversion Kit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36V 500W 24 zoll Vorderrad Elektrofahrrad Umbausatz Kit E-Bike Conversion Kit Description Do you want to convert your favorite bicycle into an electric bicycle to enjoy its power and comfort? Then you can't miss our electric bicycle motor conversion kit. The display and pedal sensor will allow you to quickly switch between throttle control, cruise control and pedal assist sensor (PAS) to enjoy feeling the headwind on the road. It will be ideal for you! Key Features Enjoy Riding: It converts your bike into an e-bike for efficiency and convenience, allowing you to fully enjoy the fun of riding on your commute and short journeys. Complete Set: This kit contains the complete range of accessories needed to convert your bike without you having to buy them separately. The matching kit will provide you with more consistent and stable performance. User-friendly Features: According to different road conditions and personal needs, it allows 5-gear speed adjustment. At the same time, when the riding speed is maintained, pressing the button key for 2-3 seconds will enter the cruise function, making the riding process easier! Powerful Motor: With a 500w brushless gear motor, it can reach a maximum speed of 30-35KM/H. Compared to brush motors, it allows for smooth and low noise operation without replacing the brush, thus making maintenance easier. Safe and Reliable: The brake lever can cut off the power supply of the motor in case of emergency braking, so that the bicycle can stop in time to ensure riding safety. Dual Mode Controller: The motor works under Hall effect and non-Hall effect. If the component fails, the controller will switch to non-Hall effect mode and the motor will continue to work. Robust and Durable: The aluminum alloy wheel frame is very durable, stable, rust-proof and wear-resistant, ensuring long service life and strong load-bearing capacity, up to 264lbs. Customer Service: We aim to provide quality products and services. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us. We will reply and solve the problem for you as soon as possible. Details Practical Display: The display shows real-time speed, maximum speed, average speed, total mileage, single mileage, battery power display, assist gear/speed grading, cruise function, so that you can charge in time and intuitively keep track of its operating status. Pedal Assist Sensor: The pedal assist sensor (PAS) can sense the pedal rhythm and adjust the motor speed accordingly. It allows you to ride an electric bicycle without throttle response, which helps on long trips and reduces wrist soreness. Waterproof Controller Bag: The waterproof controller bag can safely store the controller and allow for rainy days riding. Application It is suitable for assembling and converting the 24in front wheel of a bicycle. It is compatible with universal disc brakes and V-shaped brakes. Specifications Material: Aluminum Alloy Color: Black Suspension Type: Front Special Feature: Electric Assembly Requirement: Yes Brake Type: Power-off Brake Lever (Applicable to V Brake, Disc Brake) Motor Type: Brushless Gear Motor Gear Adjustment: 5 Gears Recommended Battery: 36V 13AH or Higher Capacity Battery(Not Included) Output Voltage: 36V Power: 500W Minimum Flat Fork Distance: 100mm/3.94in Speed: 30-35km/h Display Size: 6.8*9.6cm/2.67*3.77in Packing Size: 55*55*22cm/21.65*21.65*8.66in Motor Wheel Diameter: 61cm/24in Gross Weight: 9kg/19.84lbs Net Weight: 8kg/17.63lbs Loading Capacity: 120kg/264lbs Package Included 1* Motor Wheel 1* Display 2* Brake Levers 2* Throttles 1* Padel Sensor 1* Controller 1* Thumb Knob Handle 1* Controller Bag All Accessories for Assembly Notes - While connecting the controller to the wires, please make sure that you connect the right colors to the controller. Otherwise, the controller may be broken. - This kit does not include tires, batteri En savoir plus Collaboration commerciale.
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