Wargame jeux not
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France (Toutes les villes)
Semble complet. présence de quelques traces d'humidité (certaines pages du livret son collées entre elles). Prévoir 6 euros de participation aux frais d'envoi (mondial relay).
9,98 €
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Noisy le Sec (Seine St Denis)
Alesia - Jeu Wargame Jeux Descartes - 1985 - Complet. État : "Occasion" Langue: Français Nb joueur: 2 Age: 12+ Alesia est un wargame qui permet de simuler le siège d'Alesia en 52 avant JC. Dans cette bataille les gaulois de Vercingetorix sont encerclés par César sur le site d'Alesia. Un joueur prend la tête des légions Romaines, l'autre le commandement des armées gauloises, plus nombreuses mais moins bien organisés. Le jeu est en bon état pour son age (1985) et est "propre". N’hésitez pas a me contacter pour plus d'info ou de photos. Paiement via Paypal, virement ou par chèque (délais plus long car vérification de la solvabilité de l'acheteur) !!! Attention, les frais de port peuvent varier selon la destination. !!! Vous pouvez également regarder mes autres ventes (possibilité de regrouper les achats pour réduire les frais de port).
70 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
wargame en anglais Holdfast North Africa 1941-1942 is the follow up to the highly popular Holdfast Russia 1940-1941 and Holdfast Korea 1950-51. The game uses simple mechanics with a highly interactive turn sequence that keeps gamers engaged for a fast, fun, and furious 2 to 2.5 hours of play. The game units are blocks with labels and a low unit density on board means the game does not bog down. The core rules are 4 pages expanded to 8 with detailed graphics and explanations meaning you can be up and playing with 15 minutes of rules reading and a short set up.
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame en anglais From the publisher's website: Ultimatum delivered by the German Ambassador at Brussels von Below Saleske, to M. Davignon, Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs: 2 August 1914 Very Confidential Reliable information has been received by the German Government to the effect that French forces intend to march on the line of the Meuse by Givet and Namur. This information leaves no doubt as to the intention of France to march through Belgian territory against Germany... The GUNS OF AUGUST simulates the first three months of WWI in the West, when mobility reigned and the fate of France hung in the balance. Game mechanics compensate for players’ 20/20 hindsight to encourage historically accurate play that makes “sense” in game terms while avoiding a “straight jacket” of special rules to force irrational play. Players maneuver corps and divisions through 9-mile wide hexagons in turns that span three days each. Chit pull activation, along with modest movement point allowances, generates a highly interactive game. Combat uses artillery and rifles to reveal the comparative strengths of the opposing armies. Optional rules for variable set up and fog of war counters shroud the game in uncertainty and increase replay value. “The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our time”, Sir Edward Grey.
25 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame en anglais simple à jouer jeux à blocs en bois permettant de simuler le brouillard de guerre Moscow '41 is the first chapter of the Barbarossa Trilogy (the other two are Leningrad '41 and Kiev '41). MOSCOW '41 is a light/medium wargame covering the German Army Group Centre offensive aimed to seize Moscow, after having successfully defeated several Soviet armies in the great encirclement battles at the frontier and established two bridgeheads on the Dnieper. Although based on a historical event, the two players can modify the course of the operations, with the Germans trying to achieve a decisive victory before the winter comes, and the Soviets playing a fighting withdrawal, until ready to strike a decisive blow at the invaders. The game is recommended for two players, but has excellent solitaire suitability. Historical Introduction "At the beginning of each campaign, one pushes a door into a dark, unseen room. One can never know what is hiding inside." - Adolf Hitler, June '41 In December of 1940, Hitler made the decision to invade Russia and set the date for the middle of 1941. He had good reason to be confident that Russia would collapse under an uncompromising assault. Since the outbreak of hostilities, the German Wehrmacht had accomplished a stunning and unparalleled series of victories: Poland had fallen in one month, Denmark in one day; France, till then regarded as the strongest power in Europe, had capitulated in under six weeks, Holland in under six days; Belgium, Norway, Yugoslavia and Greece took less than three weeks each. The German military might was at its peak and the word Blitzkrieg had entered the language. Russia, on the other hand had taken over three months to bring Finland to heel, despite overwhelming strength of numbers. The Russian army had not yet recovered from Stalin's purges of 1937-1938 where 400 generals were “removed” including three field marshals and 13 Army commanders. It was well that Hitler could say, “Before three months have passed, we shall witness a collapse in Russia, the like of which has never been seen in history. We have only to kick in the front door and the whole rotten Russian edifice will come tumbling down.” On the 22nd of June, 1941, Operation Barbarossa - the invasion of Russia, began. Three million Axis troops in three Army Groups attacked on a front that stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea: Army Group North under Field Marshal von Leeb was tasked with taking Leningrad; Army Group South under Field Marshal von Rundstedt was to capture Kiev and seize the Caucasus; Field Marshal von Bock's Army Group Centre, the one that concerns us, had Moscow as an objective, with Timoshenko undertaking the task of defending the capital. Initially, the operation succeeded beyond Hitler's wildest dreams. Within a day, the Russian Air Force was destroyed on the ground, then vast inroads were made on all fronts accompanied by large scale surrenders of encircled Russian troops. Army Group Centre with its four armies consisting of a total of 48 Divisions, of which nine were armoured, and backed by the Second Air Fleet, had reached the outskirts of Smolensk by the 15th July. This was two-thirds of the way to Moscow and it seemed that nothing could stop von Bock from blowing up the Kremlin within another three or four weeks... or could something stand in his way? Four things could now cause problems to von Bock: firstly, his supply line is stretched and had almost reached breaking point; secondly, Russian resistance is stiffening; thirdly, his infantry divisions are having difficulty keeping up with the Panzers and finally, a new Russian ally is about to enter the field: General Winter. Additional concerns may come in November, with three-quarters of a million experienced Siberian veterans freed by garrisoning Soviet Far East, thanks to Stalin's spies in Tokyo revealing Japanese intentions to attack America, and not Russia. As the German Commander, you must push on to Moscow before it is too late. As the Russian Commander you must re-evoke the Patriotic War and stop the invaders at any cost.
39 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame: US NAVY PLAN ORANGE The pacific war that was not. Jeu de la série des "Great war at sea" d'Avalanche press. Cet opus couvre un conflit hypothétique dans le pacifique entre le Japon et les USA au début des années trente. Etat d'origine, boite légèrement usée, 210 pions non découpés, Deux cartes, aides de jeux et règles.
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame - The War of the Rings - Version SPI 1977 Boîte comprenant la règle en anglais avec la traduction française de l'époque Les pions sous sachets Les cartes sous sachets deux aides de jeux en anglais une feuille pour les capacités des personnages en anglais les deux cartes (west map et east map)
70 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame: DECISION AT KASSERINE Rommel's last chance. 3W games. Ce jeu couvre la bataille de Kasserine en Tunisie en 1943. Boite usée, 260 pions découpés et rangés dans une "boite à pions", une cartes, aides de jeux et règles. Payement Paypal uniquement
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame: SOLDIER KING. The seven years war worldwide. d'Avalanche press. Ce jeu couvre la guerre de 7 ans (1756/ 1763) en Europe et dans le reste du monde. Boite légèrement usée, 300 pions découpés et rangés dans une "boite à pions", Deux cartes, cartes d'évènements, aides de jeux et règles. Payement Paypal uniquement
30 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
Wargame L'armée du Nord. État : "Occasion" Trop de jeux, il faut faire de la place. La carte est en trois morceaux. Les règles en anglais mais simples.
45 €
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France (Toutes les villes)
wargame avec pions et cartes jeu de base diex aie plus cartes de jeux supplementaires exemple port saxon fortifié pions vikings aussi
60 €
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Boulogne sur Mer (Pas de Calais)
JEUX PS3: - UNCHARTED 3: Complet, Comme neuf. JEU PARFAITEMENT FONCTIONNEL - Paiement exclusivement par paypal. - Remise en mains propre possible a Boulogne sur mer. - n’hésitez pas a regarder mes autres annonces - Pour les achat groupé frais de port réduit. (Pesé du colis avant factures) For our gentle foreign customers, please note that we do not do INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING, FRANCE ONLY, thank you ! ^^
2,99 €
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La Chaussée Saint Victor (Loir et Cher)
Jeux Game Boy Advance Prehistorik Man FRANCAIS PAL GBA + notice - Titus software État : bon état, voir photo livraison sous pochette à bulle et en suivi !
10,89 €
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Béduer (Lot)
Jeux mashed pour xbox avec boite et livret. État : Bon état Non testé, mais pas de grosses rayures redhibitoire sur le disque jeux version PAL, ne fonctionne pas sur les consoles americaine. games PAL version does not work on American consoles
7,90 €
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Villeneuve Loubet (Alpes Maritimes)
JEUX PC 7 Vista / Mac Blizzard + Guide officiel ♦ STARCRAFT II 2 Wings of Liberty.(Français) - Description: Starcraft: Wings of liberty, jeux pour PC / MAC, windows: 7, vista, d'occasion avec son livret, quelques rayures d'utilisation, fonctionne très bien. IMPORTANT Conditions de livraisons en Français : Nos colis sont envoyés et préparés en 24 heures, toute fois les délais généralement Constatés en jours ouvrés (sans les week-ends et sans les jours fériés) sont : Pour la France : livraison en 2 à 5 jours. Pour les pays d’Europe : livraison en 7 à 20 jours. Pour les pays du reste du monde : livraison en 10 à 30 jours. /////////////// Autre livraison standard : avec suivi Autre livraison express : express avec suivi Attention : - Bien que nous ne rencontrons peu de problèmes avec le mode ‘autre livraison économique’, merci de comprendre que celui-ci ne comporte PAS de suivi et PAS d’assurance ! - Nous ne sommes en aucun cas responsables des surcouts occasionnés par les TAXES DE DOUANE ! Merci de vous renseigner de la règlementation en vigueur avec votre pays en question. BE CAREFUL Conditions of deliveries in English: Our packages are sent and processed within 24 hours, any time delays typically recognized in business days (excluding weekends and no holidays) are: For France: delivery within 2 to 5 days. For European countries: delivery within 7 to 20 days. For countries of the world: delivery in 10 to 30 days. /////////////// Other standard delivery: with tracking Other express delivery: express with tracking Warning: - Although we did encounter some problems with the way other economic delivery, thank you to understand that it does NOT include tracking and insurance! – We are in no way responsible for the extra costs incurred by CUSTOMS TAXES! Thank you to inform you of the regulations with your country.
17,15 €
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