SPOLIGHT ON WIND AND BRASS Musical Direction: George Humphrey Instrumentalists/ Instrumentalistes/Strumentisti: 1-Spotlight on Winds: Harold Thompson - Anton Winkler- George Humphrey- George Madsen- Louis Speyer- Hector Macdonald - Richard Plaster- Martin Hoherman- Pasquale Cardillo-Rolland Tapley 2-Spotlight on Brass: Roger Voisin - Harold Meek- Joseph Orosz Box Set 3 x LP with two booklet of 20 page each, author R.D.DARRELL,The first booklet is entitled « Spotlight on Winds », the second booklet is entitled « Spotlight on Brass » con due libretti di 20 pagine ciascuno, autore R.D.DARRELL,Il primo libretto si intitola « Spotlight on Winds » il secondo libretto si intitola « Spotlight on Brass » avec deux livrets de 20 pages chacun, le premier livret est intitulé " Spotlight on Winds », le second " Spotlight on Brass" Etichetta / Label: VOX PLS 2(DL 300/ DL 312) - Stampa / Pressing: USA Copertina / Cover: Very Good - Vinile / Record: Near Mint Lato 1 (Face 1) Spotlight on Brass Produced and Directed by Ward Botsford Recorded in Symphony Hall, Boston 1- Bull Roarer. 2-Signal Whistle-Bosun's Whistle. 3- Bamboo Flute - Bamboo Whistle. 4-Panpipes. 5-Bamboo Jaws Harp. 6-Tenor Trombone. 7-Alto Trombone. 8-Muted Trombone 9-Bass Trombone 10-Baryton 11-Euphonium 12-Tuba 13-Tenor Wagner Tuba 14- Bass Wagner Tuba Lato 2 (Face 2) Spotlight on Winds Produced and Directed by Ward Botsford Recorded in Symphony Hall, Boston 1-Modern Flute 2-Alto Flute 3- Piccolo 4-Chinese Oboe 5-Cromorne 6-Old Oboe 7-Modern Oboe 8-Oboe d'Amour 9-English Horn Lato 3 (Face 3) Spotlight on Winds Produced and Directed by Ward Botsford Recorded in Symphony Hall, Boston 1-Bass Oboe 2-Military Bagpipes 3-Miniature Bagpipes 4-Ranket 5-Tenorroon 6-Shawm 7-Shawm, Old Bassoon, Ranket 8- Old Bassoon 9-Modern Bassoon 10-Contrabassoon 11-Sarrusophone 12-Mechanical Nightingale Lato 4 (Face 4) Spotlight on Winds Produced and Directed by Ward Botsford Recorded in Symphony Hall, Boston 1-Mouth Organ 2-Old Clarinet 3-Modern Clarinets in A & B flat 4-Basset Horn 5-Clarinet in E flat 6- Clarinet in D 7-Bass Clarinet 8-Tenor Saxophone 9- Alto Saxophone Lato 5 (Face 5) Spotlight on Brass Produced and Directed by Ward Botsford Recorded in Symphony Hall, Boston 1-Elephant Horn 2-Church Serpent - Cavalry Serpent Cornett 3-Hunting Horn -Coach Horn- Heralding Trumpet- Post Horn 4-Hand Horn 5-French Horn 6-Piccolo Trumpet in High B flat 7-C Trumpet 8-B flat Trumpet Lato 6 (Face 6) Spotlight on Brass Produced and Directed by Ward Botsford Recorded in Symphony Hall, Boston 1-Muted Trumpets 2-D Trumpet 3- Clarino in E flat 4-Cornet-Bugle 5-Bass Trumpet 6-Tenor Trombone 7-Alto Trombone 8-Muted Trombone 9-Bass Trombone 10-Baryton 11-Euphonium 12-Tuba 13-Tenor Wagner Tuba 14-Bass Wagner Tuba Visitez ma Boutique Le prix du port comporte un envoi par le service de la poste. J'adapte les options que je propose (recommandé, colissimo, etc...) en fonction de la valeur estimée et du volume de l'envoi. Ce tarif (indiqué en tête de l'annonce pour la France métropolitaine) comporte un emballage renforcé, toutes choses qui ont un prix. Il n'est pas négociable, excepté pour ajouter l'option de recommandation . Bien entendu, les achats multiples sont groupés, je vous demande dans ce cas d'attendre que je vous fasse parvenir le montant total avant de payer.
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29,00 €
29,00 €